Lolly Page

Lolly Page

Total 380 Posts
Lolly Page is a modern IT-girl. Covering interpersonal relationships, she teaches how to avoid abuse and set personal boundaries. Modern trends and WTF news are her cup of tea.

Weekly Fun: Pop Cat and the Most Touching Christmas Ad

This week’s stories feature the most touching Christmas ad by a Dutch pharmaceutical company, Santa Claus and his elf preventing a cat theft, and a new meme about Pop Cat.

How to Return to a Normal Routine After the Holidays

Even if you prudently took a few days off after the New Year holidays, you still have to eventually return to work. We will show you how to do this without stress and unnecessary suffering.

How to Get Away From the New Year's Table Safe and Sound

Winter holidays traditionally include tables that are breaking from food, which means that overeating and alcohol abuse are guaranteed. In this article, you will find out how to celebrate the New Year without giving up festive food.

Handy Tips: How to Add Simple Special Effects to Your Photos

Today, we will tell you how to make cool special effects from simple materials at hand. We hope you haven't thrown away all the plastic bottles and laces from your house? They will now come in handy!

4 Champagne Cocktail Recipes

We suggest drinking not champagne, but cocktails with it. We found some proven cool recipes, but we warn you: each of them can get you so drunk that no portions of Tom Yum will save you from a hangover.

Weekly Fun: Cyberpunk 2077 Memes and Absurd Illustrations From Textbooks

This week’s stories feature a bunch of memes about the newly-released Cyberpunk 2077 game, a possum who pushed a skunk into a pond, and a collection of absurd illustrations from textbooks.

8 Best New Year's Eve Songs

A work party or decorating a Christmas tree at home – all this is more fun with the right soundtrack. We hope you will pick up a couple of ideas for festive music or agree that it's not necessary at all.

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