Paula Wu

Paula Wu

Total 122 Posts
Paula Wu is a US-based staff writer who focuses on stories, tips, and life hacks for travelers. She moved to California from Vietnam. Having visited 18 countries since then, Paula is a travel writer.

6 Things Employers Pay Attention to During a Job Interview

When it comes to hiring, most companies set high standards across leadership expectations, skills, as well as core values like loyalty or growth mindset. These are 6 crucial things employers always pay attention to during job interviews.

8 Important Business Lessons for Startup Founders

Business is an experiment: there is no one-size-fits-all recipe for success, but aspiring entrepreneurs often make the same bad decisions. Today, we will tell you about business lessons that will help you avoid mistakes.

5 Things Young Leaders Need to Know to Succeed

Learn how not to ruin your life and the lives of your employees if you are an executive without management experience, and how to become a good leader when all your management experience is only based on movie bosses from Hollywood films.

How to Market Yourself in 2021: Golden Resume Writing Rules

Knowing how to market and sell yourself to potential employers is a valuable skill. The fact remains that precisely those who can sell themselves at a higher price hold the best positions and are paid increasingly high wages.

4 Things Not to Say During a Job Interview

We have already told you how to answer questions during a job interview and what to ask an employer about before accepting the job offer. Now, we decided to tell you what things you better not say during an interview.

Careers of the Future: Which Jobs Will Be Most in Demand?

It is impossible to tell which jobs will be in demand in the future, but let's look at the previous year's experience: could anyone have predicted a pandemic and the rapid growth in the demand for delivery staff, doctors, e-commerce and food tech specialists?

How to Choose the Right Photo for Your CV

Should you include a photo on your resume? This is a question no HR manager or recruiter has a definite answer to. We tried to figure out whether the presence of a photo on a resume is actually important.

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