Samuel White

Samuel White

Total 193 Posts
This cybersecurity and cryptocurrency guru believes that life without the Internet can only exist on Mars. He picked Amsterdam as his hiding place to explore the worldwide cobwebs.

Handy Tips: How to Prevent Sites From Tracking Your Location on iPhone and Mac

Many sites and services request information about the user's geolocation when users visit them. This not only gives out your location for the necessary and unnecessary resources, but also drains your smartphone's battery on GPS.

Nintendo Game Boy Can Now Mine Bitcoin

A popular YouTuber named Stacksmashing published a video that shows how to build your own mining farm from old game consoles. For example, from the 1989 Nintendo Game Boy.

Apple Releases Security Updates Following Critical System Vulnerability

According to Apple, the vulnerability discovered by security researchers from Google Project Zero could be "actively exploited" by hackers. The bug was found in the WebKit browser engine, which is the basis of the Safari browser on all Apple devices.

Fleeceware Apps Extract Over $400 Million on the App Store and Google Play

Avast found out more than 200 fraudulent fleeceware apps with hidden subscriptions on the App Store and Google Play. SensorTower estimated that such apps had been downloaded more than 1 billion times and generated over $400 million in revenue.

Elon Musk Says You Can Now Buy Tesla Cars With Bitcoin

Currently, the option to buy Tesla cars with bitcoin is only valid in the United States. Musk said the opportunity to pay for vehicles with bitcoin outside of the US would be available later this year.

Time Magazine Auctions Three Covers as NFTs, and Will Accept Cryptocurrency

Time will also begin accepting cryptocurrency as payment for subscriptions within the next 30 days. The company is also looking for a new Chief Financial Officer (CFO) who will, among other things, work with cryptocurrency.

Top 5 Secure Browsers for Anonymous Access

Many users don't want someone to collect and store data about their behavior and habits. In this article, you will find the best browsers for anonymous Internet surfing.

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