As the global coronavirus pandemic continues to go on, more an more news related to COVID-19 treatment emerge. The Internet Protocol team is keeping abreast of the world's tidings concerning the dynamics of the novel coronavirus situation.

Earlier, we published the detailed coronavirus treatment protocol by Dr. Vladimir Zelenko.

A Detailed Coronavirus Treatment Plan from Dr. Zelenko
We received an exclusive letter from Dr. Vladimir Zelenko again, in which he told his story and shared his COVID-19 treatment plan in detail.

Later of, Dr. Zelenko updated the treatment plan and published a video on YouTube, explaining his position.

Video Update of the Coronavirus Treatment Plan From Dr. Zelenko
We published the video update from Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, in which he told his story and shared his COVID-19 treatment plan in detail.

Now, it became known that a French pharmaceutical company called Sanofi has decided to transfer 100 million doses of hydroxychloroquine to 50 countries of the world free of charge.

According to some clinical studies, this drug, which is used to treat malaria, may be useful in the treatment of COVID-19. However, at the same time, there is no convincing evidence for this yet. Still, against the background of rather adverse severe reactions of the drug, several countries have already refused COVID-19 therapy with its help.

“The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented health and economic crisis which is shaking some of the very fundamentals of international solidarity and cooperation among countries”, says Paul Hudson, Chief Executive Officer at Sanofi.

“This virus does not care about the concept of borders, so we shouldn’t either. It is critical that international authorities, local governments, manufacturers, and all the other players involved in the hydroxychloroquine chain work together in a coordinated manner to ensure all patients who may benefit from this potential treatment can access it. If the trials prove positive, we hope our donation will play a critical role for patients.”

The company also said that eight enterprises around the world would increase the production of hydroxychloroquine by 50%.

“Sanofi encourages all participants in the hydroxychloroquine supply chain to work together to ensure an uninterrupted supply of a drug that can help treat patients with COVID-19,” it was said in the statement of the pharmaceutical concern.