Telegram decided to withdraw the lawsuit against the American company Lantah LLC, which also intended to create its own cryptocurrency called Gram. At the same time, Pavel Durov's messenger will be obliged to cover the legal costs of Lantah, the amount of which will be agreed separately by the representatives of the companies.
Telegram filed a lawsuit against a Florida-based startup in May 2018. A lawsuit filed on May 11 in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California alleges that Lantah LLC violated Telegram's rights when it applied for the Gram trademark in February.
Daniel Jeffrey, the founder of the crypto commerce company Lantah, said that contrary to Telegram's claim, they used the Gram trademark before knowing about Telegram's intentions to create a similar product.
The lawsuit had to be withdrawn after Pavel Durov announced the TON project's closure under pressure from the SEC.

If the American court ban on the launch of TON is lifted, Telegram will retain the right to file claims for the use of the Gram trademark.