Apple's Shazam app has just received a game-changing update, enhancing the way users can discover music, especially while wearing headphones. With the release of version 17.3, Shazam now lets users identify songs not only from their surroundings but also from within various apps, such as TikTok and YouTube, all while wearing either wired or Bluetooth headphones.
Previously, Shazam could identify songs from other apps, but this feature was limited if headphones were connected. Now, with the latest update, users can seamlessly identify songs even while enjoying their favorite tunes privately through headphones.

The process is simple: users just need to open the Shazam app, ensure their headphones are connected, and start recognizing music around them or within apps like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. Once identified, users can easily add the discovered tracks to their playlists on Apple Music.
The new feature not only enhances convenience but also expands the possibilities for music discovery in various contexts, whether users are on the move or enjoying content on their devices.