Popular messenger Telegram has finally launched its Premium subscription that gives users access to a flurry of exclusive additional features, the company announced in its blog and noted that the app had hit 700 million monthly active users. The existing features will remain free for all users.
Premium nearly doubles all of the limits imposed on standard users, including a larger maximum file upload size of 4GB as well as faster downloads. Subscribers will also have a voice-to-text conversion, exclusive stickers and reactions, improved chat management, and more.

Here's what you can do with a Telegram Premium subscription:
- Send 4GB files, whereas all Telegram users will be able to download them;
- Download files and media at the fastest speed;
- Join up to 1,000 channels, create up to 20 chat folders with up to 200 chats each, as well as add four accounts instead of three;
- Save up to 10 stickers and pin up to 10 chats;
- Write longer bios and include links in them;
- Convert voice messages to text;
- Send unique stickers with full-screen animations that all users can view;
- React to messages using new exclusive emoji, such as 👌😍❤️🔥💯🤡🌭🐳;
- Change your default folder;
- Add animated profile pictures;
- Get a special premium badge and premium app icons;
- Remove sponsored messages.
Telegram's Premium subscription costs $4.99 per month. To subscribe, you need to go to settings in the Telegram app and then tap Telegram Premium.

In addition, the messenger has also launched several new features for all users, including join requests for public groups, an animated screen for external sharing, improved bot descriptions, and more. You can learn more about Telegram’s latest update here.