Every week, our editorial team dugs up the funniest and the most ridiculous bits of news and prepares a compilation of life stories and situations, chucklesome videos, amusing texts, memes, and a variety of jokes and wisecracks to make you grin from ear to ear. Reading our selection of Weekly Fun stuff without a doubt equals having a whale of a time.
Japanese officials wore fake bellies to understand how pregnant women feel
Three male members of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party took part in a social experiment: they wore seven-kilogram jackets for two days.
妊婦疑似体験を始めました。これから明日まで、ジャケットを装着したまま、党会合への出席や街頭活動などの議員活動を行います。たった2日間で10か月におよぶ妊娠期を理解できるはずはありません。また、重さだけでなく、つわりから始まり、体の痛みや精神的な不安も襲ってくると聞きます。 pic.twitter.com/vAGzn4BLs2
— 小倉まさのぶ(衆議院議員) (@masanobu_ogura) April 8, 2021
In jackets imitating a pair of breasts and a baby bump, the officials went to work and the store, slept, and did household chores. They were allowed to remove the load only during the plenary sessions of the government.
— 小倉まさのぶ(衆議院議員) (@masanobu_ogura) April 9, 2021
家でも、風呂掃除、爪切りなどのいつも当たり前に行っている事でも難儀しました。 pic.twitter.com/Af7D7X03ym
The experiment began quite recently, but officials have already admitted that the extra weight really burdens them: the stomach prevents them from walking, turning around, bending over, and doing many other things.
Twitter users clarified that the jacket only partially imitates pregnancy. For instance, the officials do not feel abdominal pain, do not suffer from dizziness, toxicosis, and other symptoms. But still, they hope that the experiment will at least provide some results.
People confuse sea monsters with erect penises of whales
Comedian James Felton researched the sources and tweeted a short thread about how the sea monster legends might have appeared. Sailors could mistake the erect penises of whales lying on their backs for giant snakes, lizards with long necks, and other monsters.
A surprising number of sea monster sightings can be explained by whale boners
— James Felton (@JimMFelton) April 7, 2021
(quick thread, sources here: https://t.co/0P61u33Blr) pic.twitter.com/OCvgxMctNP
According to him, people came up with creepy details about this phenomenon over time, until a legend appeared about the Kraken that was taking whole ships down to the bottom of the sea.
Ig Nobel prize-winner Charles Paxton took a look at this and other sightings of sea serpents back in 2005, for possible explanations of the accounts. They concluded - with comparisons to modern photographs and descriptions - that several accounts were actually of whale boners. pic.twitter.com/F9QRkgLttG
— James Felton (@JimMFelton) April 7, 2021
The fact that people saw the "serpent's tail" at a sufficient distance from its "body" speaks of observing not one excited whale, but several. The penises of some whale species can be easily mistaken for sea serpents – they can be as long as 1.8 meters.
The penises of the North Atlantic right whale and (Pacific) grey whale can be at least 1.8 metres long, and 1.7 metres long respectively, and could be taken by a naïve witness for a tail." pic.twitter.com/uaD3tBOK7h
— James Felton (@JimMFelton) April 7, 2021