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Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19 is a condition caused by the novel coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2. The new coronavirus is identified as the cause of an outbreak (that later escalated into a pandemic) of respiratory illness that was first detected in Wuhan, China. COVID-19 has not been previously identified in humans until now. Common signs of infection are cough, fever, and breathing difficulties.

Nowo Opublikowane Badanie Ambulatoryjne Oparte NA PołąCzeniu Cynku, Hydroksychlorochina I Azytromycyny WykazałO Mniejszą Liczbę Pobytów W Szpitalu I Zgonów Z Powodu COVID-19

W badaniu odnotowano bardzo niski wskaźnik śmiertelności wynoszący 0,71% u leczonych pacjentów z potwierdzonymi pozytywnymi przypadkami COVID-19.

Exclusive: Studies Confirm That Dr. Zelenko’s Treatment Protocol Is Effective Against COVID-19

Our team has received a version of a study on Dr. Zelenko’s treatment protocol that is now getting ready to be published in medical journals, so now seems like the right time to share it in full.

2020 Is the Worst Year of My Life: What Else to Expect From 2020

This year, a series of events of the typical Hollywood disaster film are planned for humanity. And while we are all waiting for the COVID-19 pandemic to end, others are preparing for new shocks. Be ready to find out more details in this article.

Coronavirus Dreams: Why Am I Having Weird Dreams Lately

Weird dreams or insomnia are the signs of stress that many people have experienced during the pandemic. In this article, we will tell you how sleep disorders are associated with COVID-19 and what to do about it.

Maskne: What Is It and How to Stop Face Mask Breakouts

Constantly wearing a face mask in hot weather can cause maskne – skin irritation and acne breakouts on your face. In this article, we are figuring out why protective face masks can harm our skin and how to cope with it.

5 Things That the Pandemic Will Change for the Better at Airports

In this article, we are figuring out how the COVID-19 pandemic affected airports and how they will change in the post-pandemic world. In this list, find 5 evidence that airports will become better.

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