Lolly Page

Lolly Page

Total 380 Posts
Lolly Page is a modern IT-girl. Covering interpersonal relationships, she teaches how to avoid abuse and set personal boundaries. Modern trends and WTF news are her cup of tea.

Xiaomi Said That Toilet Bowl Can Be Smart and Introduced One

Xiaomi created another smart gadget for your house. Meet the smart toilet bowl. Check out what it can do!

What to Do If Fall Makes You Saddies?

Autumn sadness is real. What can possibly be worse than the days that grow shorter and chilly evenings? The only thing you feel like doing is lying in bed under the blanket. That's why we’ve made a list of remedies for beating that autumn blues.

Vatican Created Smart Prayer Beads

The Vatican developed smart prayer beads with their app with access to an audio guide and content about the praying of the Rosary.

Diary of a Madman or Revelations of a Person with Peladophobia

What do you know about peculiar phobias? I’ve been suffering from peladophobia for over 5 years, and only a short while ago I discovered that I was not alone. I still have no idea where this fear came from. I do have some ideas, though.

Does Apple Promote Homosexuality?

A Moscovite has filed a lawsuit against Apple for forcing him to have non-traditional sexual relationships. He expects one million rubles as a compensation for moral harm.

Top 4 Ridiculous Laws

It would seem that the law is there to make our lives better. However, sometimes, laws incite a facepalm and confused laughter. If you feel like your rights are being impaired, be quick to read our most ridiculous laws list.

Surviving on Beer Alone: A Champion’s Guide to Shotgunning or Oktoberfest Special

Knowing how to survive on beer alone is a sacred knowledge especially when Oktoberfest is around the corner. A champion's guide to shotgunning is now all yours.

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