Dr. Zelenko is a board-certified family physician whose team was one of the first in the country to successfully treat thousands of COVID-19 patients in the prehospital setting in March 2020.
Dr. Zelenko developed his now famous “Zelenko Protocol,” which has saved countless lives worldwide, while he was fighting recurrent and metastatic sarcoma, had open heart surgery, and aggressive chemotherapy.
Now, Dr. Zelenko shared his medical strategy to immediately curtail needless fatalities and to reopen Israel’s businesses and gathering places, such as, houses of worship, sports facilities, schools and recreational venues, and we are sharing it with you:
Plan to Reopen Israel by Vladimir Zelenko, M.D., Jerome Corsi, Ph.D.
Multiple scientific studies have demonstrated that early prehospital treatment of Covid-19 safely reduces hospitalizations and death by more than 84%. This means that out of 5600 Israeli Covid-19 deaths (as of February 22, 2021), 4700 could have been prevented.
We recommend that the government of Israel immediately adopt the following strategy:
- Strongly recommend that medical professionals follow the protocols specified below for treating patients based on clinical suspicion or positive test results of Covid-19 infection within the first 5 days of the onset of symptoms.
- Require Israel’s Ministry of Health to educate Israel’s practicing physicians and health care workers on the recommended protocols for treating patients in the early stages of Covid-19 infection and saving lives. This includes publishing on websites and elsewhere clear delineations of the recommended treatment and prophylactic protocols.
- Allow physicians and pharmacies to prescribe and dispense the FDA-approved medications specified in the protocols, even if they are prescribed “off-label” for the treatment of COVID-19; and remove any legal or bureaucratic impediments that may inhibit Israeli patients from receiving these life-saving treatments.
- Require Israel’s governmental health authorities to develop and implement a logistical plan to acquire and distribute the medications specified in the protocols to the entire country.
- Require Israel’s governmental health authorities to provide physicians with current and timely access to international-level and Israel-specific health care data so that the treatment of Israel’s citizens may quickly commence in accordance with the risk-stratification specified in the protocols.
- While prophylaxis should be recommended for all Israeli citizens, prophylaxis should be stressed for moderate and high-risk patients, including practicing physicians and health workers, as well as those with vital jobs, including police and fire workers, teachers, and others whose continued work is deemed “essential.”
- The above strategy is crafted to complement and work in synergy with other aspects of pandemic management such as spread prevention, hospital care, and immunization with safe and efficacious vaccines. Vaccines against Covid-19 should be made available without coercion for all Israeli citizens that choose to take them.

You can find out more about Dr. Zelenko’s coronavirus treatment protocol here, as well as his treatment plan for patients with symptoms of COVID-19 here.