Reddit user reported that several vandals who robbed an Amazon Go store in Seattle received bills for their "purchases."
Amazon Go store automatically bills protesters for looted merchandise from r/SeattleWA
Currently, Amazon Go has 21 stores in four locations: New York, Chicago, San Francisco, and Seattle. Amazon Go supermarkets operate in a no-cash register format, and the recognition system is used to authenticate customers. This system allows customers to enter the store by scanning a barcode on their smartphone app, and then Amazon tracks the customers as they move around the store, recognizes each product taken and invoices directly in the app.
One of these stores was attacked by marauders participating in the Black Lives Matter protests over the killing of George Floyd by the police officer. The protesters broke the shop windows and took some goods from it, of course, without scanning any QR codes. But they were automatically billed for the items they looted.
It is assumed that the marauders' identification was carried out on smartphones that had an Amazon account, but there is no evidence of it. At the same time, the event is actively discussed in social networks, and many users do not believe in this type of authentication. Probably, it's just a joke.
However, evidence that such a system exists may appear if the robbers go to court because of a mistakenly billed Amazon account.