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The best fuel for your brain is the high-end information which makes your neurons generate ideas and satisfy curiosity. We search, dig, and process the most relevant materials to create the kaleidoscope of cognitive content, stories, tips, and how-to write-ups. This is what life looks like here on The Internet Protocol. Travelers, life observers, and all the inquiring minds can get the first-rate pool of articles. Travel guides, book reviews, movies and TV shows, psychology, and investigations.

Handy Tips: 7 Reasons Not to Throw the Little Bags That Come in Shoeboxes Away

The small packets with silica gel that lie inside every shoebox always say, “Don't eat” and “Throw away.” You really don't need to eat these small balls, but you shouldn't throw them away because they may be useful to you.

Handy Tips: How to Play Secret Santa Online

Today, we will tell you about a handy website that will help you automate the process of choosing gifts for the Secret Santa game.

What Is Today? Microwave Oven Day

On December 6, 1945, Percy Spencer received a patent for the use of microwaves for cooking. Therefore, it is on December 6 that we celebrate the birthday of the microwave oven.

Weekly Fun: A Drunk Squirrel and Sim Card Trays Instead of Wedding Rings

This week’s stories feature a squirrel who ate a fermented pear and got drunk and Penguins from the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago who walked around the football field to keep fit.

What Is Today? Britney Spears' Birthday

On December 2, the popular American singer Britney Spears celebrates her birthday. She turned 39 years old. In honor of Britney Spears' birthday, we have collected the best music videos of the birthday girl.

What Is Today? Woody Allen's Birthday

Today, one of the greatest directors of our time, Woody Allen, celebrates his 85th birthday. One of his earliest films was Love and Death, which won the 1975 UNICRIT Award.

Handy Tips: How to Tie the Perfect Tie

If earlier you had to tie a tie on a dog and only then put it on yourself, then it's time to stop it! Finally, you will learn how to tie a tie right around your neck.

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