Lolly Page

Lolly Page

Total 380 Posts
Lolly Page is a modern IT-girl. Covering interpersonal relationships, she teaches how to avoid abuse and set personal boundaries. Modern trends and WTF news are her cup of tea.

Flying Phones: Nokia 3310, iPhone 11, and Samsung S10. Which Phone Will Survive?

Every year, a crash test is conducted to show how durable the latest iPhone and Samsung models are. This year, however, they have to prove that they are better than the Nokia brick.

Cows in Russia Wear VR Glasses to Relieve Stress in the Winter Time

Veterinarians and IT specialists believe that cows are more productive if they are happy!

HBO Has Introduced a Black Cardboard Box for Privacy with Students in Mind

You might be wondering why HBO would make a giant cardboard box? Actually, it all makes sense. It'll be a perfect “shelter” for college students who live in dorms.

What to Do If You Burnt Bridges with Someone and Now Feel Guilty

What to do in a situation where you broke up with someone, tried to apologize (for what, btw?), but your feeling were ignored and now you feel guilty? Here are our life-saving tips.

Tinder, Dude, Is the Whole Thing a Setup?

The most popular app for dating has launched its interactive series called Swipe Night. The user can change the course of events by swiping. Each episode lasts for only 5 minutes.

The Road to Heaven Can Be Walked in These Sneakers. Designers Created “Jesus Shoes”: Nike Air Max + Crucifix + Holy Water = Divine Grace

MSCHF designers released their own model of Nike Air Max 97 sneakers under the name “Jesus Shoes”. The model is decorated with a steel crucifix, and the bubbled soles contain 50 grams of actual holy water from the Jordan River.

Life in Plastic, It’s Fantastic? No “Plastic Surgery” Effect Instagram Filters Anymore

Are you tired from perfect features, lip fillers and cheek implants on Instagram pics? Soon all plastic surgery-filters will be prohibited.

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