People tend to worry: a 2017 poll of 2,000 millennials found that they spend the equivalent of 63 days on worrying. Imagine how much time it takes now: in a pandemic, crisis, Mercury in retrograde, and everything else in the world. That means we regularly waste time and energy on useless concerns and worries, which, moreover, intensify in times of crisis. In this article, we will tell you about four proven ways to change this behavior and how to train your brain to stop worrying.
1. Set your personal stop-loss
Let’s figure out what stop-loss is using the example of stock trading. A wise and competent investor always determines the price level at which he will abandon the deal since it will simply become unprofitable. You need to keep your stop-loss this way: you need to understand how many events in life are worth your concern, how much emotional strength you are willing to spend on them, and at what point you will stop doing it. That is, at what point will you stop worrying and let go of the situation? Limit your worries, and they won't be able to control you.
2. Acknowledge your anxiety and worries and write them down in a notebook
In order not to torment yourself with disturbing thoughts, admit that they exist, and get these thoughts on paper. Acknowledgement is the first step towards healing. Don't hold back and express it all verbally without worrying about spelling and punctuation. Removing worries from your head through writing will open up new resources of useful things.
3. Focus on daily tasks rather than big ones
Focus on issues that you can control. Determine what you can do to solve them right now and act. For example, if you are worried about your financial situation, make a plan to cut spending, and look for additional income.
4. Break the cycle of worry
If you feel that anxiety has grown to the limit, change your activity. Go for a walk or draw; in short, choose an activity that will distract you from disturbing thoughts.