Last week, Telegram announced that it would significantly expand the functionality of its voice chats. New features have not yet been implemented, but thanks to beta versions and leaks within the company itself, Telegram users can already know what improvements voice chats will receive in the following updates.
The first beta with updated voice chats appeared for Android, but Telegram has withdrawn it for unknown reasons. Besides, beta versions for macOS, Windows, and iOS have already been released, and they became the source of the new update's details.
Initially, voice chats appeared in groups, but soon, this feature will be launched in Telegram channels as well. The announced expansion will increase the number of participants in the voice chat from 5,000 people to an infinite number of users. The new feature will also allow broadcasting podcasts.
Users can create a dedicated voice chat link to invite people to listen to a conversation or participate in a discussion. Also, administrators will get an ability to record a voice chat and save it for further publication in the channel.
Users who have joined the voice chat session as listeners will be able to participate in the discussion using the raise hand button. It will allow the presenter to see that someone wants to express their opinion and provide the user with this opportunity. In addition, the user's profile description will appear in the list of voice chat participants.
These new features mean that Telegram is going to become a multifunctional competitor to Clubhouse.