Telegram has been evolving into something more than just a messenger for the last couple of years. Telegram has audio and video calls, voice chats, and soon the platform will even introduce an analog of TV channels. In fact, every feature that Telegram has implemented so far is of immense benefit to a large number of people.
One of these features is Telegram bots. The ability to program Telegram bots appeared back in 2015, and since then, various companies, banks, and even authorities have begun to create their own bots since they can provide a comfortable interaction of users with their services.
In this article, we have compiled a list of handy Telegram bots that have proven to be reliable:
1. Gmail Bot
The official email client for Gmail
For those who do not want to visit the email client application, there is an official bot from Gmail in Telegram, to which all mail is transferred. It is quite a handy tool, but the user will need to visit Google account settings for stable operation.
Users do not need to search for the desired item. At the first start, the bot will offer to follow the authorization link. That's all! The letters will then come to the bot, and users can even reply to them there without leaving Telegram.
2. Voicy
Voice-to-text converter
It is not always convenient to listen to voice messages, and Voicy was designed specifically for such situations. It works pretty simply: it translates all voice messages into text, as well as audio files in .ogg, .flac, .wav, and .mp3 formats.
It is capable of handling a huge number of languages. For such a difficult task, the Voicy team used two speech recognition engines: and Google Speech.

3. SaveAsBot
The downloader of any content from Instagram and TikTok
Did someone send you a TikTok video that you didn't even sign up for? What about Instagram posts? Sometimes you want to download funny videos from these platfroms. That's why SaveAsBot was developed.
When downloading a video from TikTok, the bot sends an audio track in a separate file along with the video. In the case of Instagram, the user receives all the materials as files to preserve high quality. As a bonus, there is support for downloading content from Pinterest.
4. Video to GIF Converter
A tool to convert videos to GIFs
This tool is helpful for those who want to generate a funny GIF from any video. This Telegram bot supports content from Telegram, Instagram, or Vine.
To get a GIF file, a user just needs to send the video itself or a link to the video from a supported service. The service works very quickly.

5. Meming Bot
A tool for creating memes in chats
Now users shouldn't waste time looking for a meme when they can create their own in two clicks. Everything is very simple:
- Launch the Meming Bot.
- Go to the desired chat.
- Register @memingbot.
- Write your own phrase and select any of the offered pictures.
The bot has a long list of memes, but users can upload their own pictures. To do it, users need to load the desired image in the bot through the /add
command. The entire gallery of templates can then be deleted.