Apple users are used to the fact that Siri defaults to Apple’s iMessage in cases when one wants to call or message someone. If you want to interact with your contacts via other messaging apps, such as Viber, WhatsApp, Skype or Telegram, you need to specify the app you would like to use for that purpose, or otherwise, the virtual assistant will automatically refer to the Apple messaging app.

However, things can change with the forthcoming iOS update. Bloomberg has reported that the new update will make Siri able to default other messengers besides iMessage. The voice assistant will choose the appropriate app based on your previous interactions with contacts. For instance, if you always message someone via Telegram, Siri will remember it and set Telegram as a default app for that contact, not the iMessage. Later on, it will probably be possible to set other messengers as default on iPhones, too.

Here’ what Bloomberg also reports regarding the above-mentioned changes:

Apple Inc. said it will ease some restrictions on developers of third-party apps. The disclosure comes after a Bloomberg News story about the rise of in-house software that gets prized default status on iPhones and iPads.

The Cupertino, California-based company plans to release a software update later this year that will help outside messaging applications work better with the Siri digital assistant.